Friday, January 18, 2013

This Bilk Is Radioactive

After a sleepy January which I spent mostly in my room making new tracks, a bunch of big events are on the horizon again. The first thing I'm really happy to be a part of is next week's Safari party with special guests Bilk from Croatia and one of my favorite upcoming Slovenian producers Some1Else. Bilk have been around for a while now and I still remember when they were one of the first bands in the region to take up new electronic genres, namely jungle and drum n' bass. We played some gigs together on tour with Moveknowledgement in Hungary and they were amazing on stage, and really cool guys off stage. I was happy to hear that they're making new songs and will be releasing an album soon. It's great that they're taking their sound in different directions (I love the new stuff I've heard so far). This will be their first show in Ljubljana in a long time and an excellent chance to hear their new material.

Po dokaj zaspanem januarju, ki sem ga pretežno preživel v sobi za računalnikom, se na obzorju že spet pojavljajo nekateri večji eventi. Za začetek je tu Safari, kjer bomo naslednji četrtek gostili posebne goste iz Zagreba, Bilk, ter enega najaktualnejših domačih producentov, ki sliši na ime Some1Else. Delovanje Bilkov seže nazaj že dobro desetletje, spominjam se jih kot eden prvih ex-Yu bendov, ki je znal res dobro poseči po aktualnih elektronskih žanrih (takrat sta bila to jungle in drum n' bass). Z Moveknowledgement smo skupaj turali po Madžarskem in njihov nastopi so bili vedno vrhunski. Veseli me, da so se lotili novih komadov in bodo kmalu izdali album, prav tako pa mi je všeč nova smer v katero so krenili (kar sem slišal zaenkrat zveni super). To bo njihov prvi ljubljanski nastop po dolgem času in odlična priložnost, da slišite njihove nove stvaritve.

