Monday, April 15, 2013
Elle fant: New track from Shampoo Guy
Here's something new I did as Shampoo Guy. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Me doing stuff
It's been one hell of year so far, there's so much news I'm really happy to share. I've been busy working on a theatre performance in Ljubljana's Stara Elektrarna these past 3 months. The show is called "All Together Now!" and studies the problems of migration, patriotism and how we choose our homes, through analyzing the relationships inside a band. Director Mare Bulc put together a team of amazing musicians (and amazing people) to form this "part time band" and I think we came up with something really special. Or maybe we just think it's special because we had so much fun in the process. We ended up landing somewhere between a theatre and a cocert venue. In any case, we're really excited about finally getting on stage in front of an audience. We'll be debuting on Exodos festival in Stara Elektrarna this Sunday the 14th and Monday 15th, and the following shows will be played in May. For more info check here.
In other news, I've been playing shows as usual and managed to be a bit more active with Moveknowledgement again (we played some awesome gigs in Ljubljana recently, I'm really looking forward to In Music Festival in Zagreb now!). I spent all my spare afternoons working on my new solo album. After a week of recording sessions in the studio with Igor Vuk I can say I'm pretty satisfied with the way everything is sounding. Now it's time to start mixing this motherfucker! The first single is already finished and will be included in the musical soundtrack for the "All Together Now!" performace I talked about before. Oh, there's a ton of new Shampoo Guy tracks waiting to be released, please keep a look out for them.
On the non-musical front, I've been doing a lot of writing again, as well as public interviews and debates. I've got a long essay coming out in a week or so in the special edition of Mladina magazine called Alternative and another one that I wrote for Psihološki Inkubator. If you're interested please pick up the latest Obrazi magazine for which I talked about vegetarianism. I'll be writing more soical commentary for this blog soon, and I've got more public debates coming up, so I'll keep you posted.
To leto je zaenkrat izredno pestro, novice se kar vrstijo. Tri mesece se že intenzivno pripravljam na gledališko-glasbeni projekt z naslovom "Gremo vsi!", ki se odvija v Stari Elektrarni v Ljubljani. Če na hitro povzamem vsebino: predstava se ukvarja s problemi migracij, patriotizma in izbire, teme pa se loti skozi analizo odnosov v bendu. Režiser Mare Bulc je sestavil odlično ekipo glasbenikov (ki so povrhu vsega še super ljudje), in moram reči, da je ta "part time band" zelo dobro zafunkcioniral. Imam občutek, da smo ustvarili nekaj zelo zanimivega (možno je tudi, da se mi to samo zdi, ker je bil sam ustvarjalni proces tako zanimiv), saj smo pristali nekje vmes med gledališčem in koncertno dvorano. Kakorkoli že, zelo se veselimo trenutka, ko bomo končno stopili na oder pred publiko in predstavili naše ideje. Premiera bo na festivalu Exodos v nedeljo 14.4. z eno ponovitvijo naslednji dan, nadaljne ponovitve pa se bodo odvijale v mesece maju. Več informacij pa dobite na strani Maske.
Glasbene novice: te dni sem spet precej koncertiral in vesel sem da smo zadnje čase spet bolj aktivni z Moveknowledgement (po nekaj zabavnih koncertih v Ljubljani že z veseljem pričakujem zagrebški In Music Festival). Proste popoldneve sem namenil predvsem svojemu novemu solo albumu. Po enem tednu snemanja vokalov v studiu z Igorjem Vukom lahko rečem, da sem zelo zadovoljen z materialom, zdaj pa je na vrsti še miks. Prvi single je že narejen in ga boste lahko slišali tudi kot soundtrack zgoraj omenjene predstave "Gremo Vsi!" Poleg tega pa je na čakanju za izdajo še cel kup Shampoo Guyevih komadov. Če bo vse po sreči bo torej 2013 glasbeno zelo plodno leto.
Dogaja pa se tudi na neglasbenem terenu. V zadnjem času sem spet precej pisal ter gostoval na javnih intervjujih in debatah. V nasednjih dneh izidejo Mladinine Alternative za katere sem prispeval en daljši esej, eno mojih besedil pa bo izšlo v reviji Psihološki Inkubator. Če vas zanima, lahko v reviji Obrazi preberete moj intervju na temo vegeterianstva, sledili pa bodo tudi novi družbeno-kritično obarvani blogi in javne debate.
Se vidimo/slišimo/beremo!
In the studio with Igor Vuk
From theatre rehearsals
Bandmates Tina Perić, Irena Preda and Jaka Berger- theatre rehearsals
Moveknowledgement gig in Gala Hala
Interview with Tina Košir Mazi in Trubarjeva Hiša Literature
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