Friday, February 17, 2012


There's an alternate version of my video for the song Superhuman on Youtube. The VHS version! According to commentator Mr. Rizladeutsch it's actually "a recently unearthed unreleased recording of an early 80s attempt by Kenny Loggins to do a rap video. Fact."

Na Youtube-u se je pojavila alternativna verzija mojega spota za pesem Superhuman. Če gre verjeti komentatorju Gospodu Rizladeutschu, je video v resnici "pred nedavnim odkriti, neizdani posnetek  Kenny Logginsa, ki je v zgodnjih 80ih poskušal posneti rap komad. Fact."

Sticking with the spirit of lo-fi aesthetics, I'll be taking part in a very interesting musical venture this week. Those who like extreme music and aren't familiar with the works of Marko Karlovčec should definitely check him out. I feel that along with singer Irena Tomažin he's one of the most talented young musicians to come out of the  Slovenian improv scene in recent years. We've played together many times, but this Monday and Tuesday we'll be joined by the Italian duo of Virginia Genta and David Vanzana. I'll be going all electronica on their high energy free jazz and Marko will be going all noise on my electronica, so I think it will be quite an experience to remember for all 4 of us. If you're in Ljubljana check us out on Monday 2/20 in Menza and on Tuesday 2/21 in Pekarna Maribor.

V duhu lo-fi estetike se bomo ta teden lotili nove glasbene pustolovščine. Ljubiteljem ekstremnejših žanrov, ki še niste naleteli na Marka Karlovčeca, bi toplo priporočal sprehod po njegovem raznolikem ustvarjalnem opusu. Po mojem mnenju sta skupaj z Ireno Tomažin morda najzanimivejša glasbenika, ki sta v zadnjih letih prišla iz naše male impro scene. Skupaj sva nastopala že kar nekajkrat, zdaj pa se nama bosta pridružila še italijanska avanturista Virginia Genta in David Vanzana. Jaz bom metal elektroniko na njun hiperenergični free jazz, Marko pa bo metal noise na mojo elektroniko, kar bo vsekakor edinstveno doživetje za celo ekipo. Če ste v Ljubljani si nas lahko ta ponedeljek ogledate v Menzi pri koritu, naslednji dan pa igramo še v mariborski Pekarni

                                      Not sure about the other guys, but I think I'm gonna head somewhere in this direction...

And if you're getting dressed up into something crazy and looking for a party for this upcoming masquerade Saturday, then I strongly recommend visiting K4. The guys from Smetnjak are bringing over the prodigious young French producer Canblaster, who has been rocking my headphones for some time now. Along with his teammates from Club Cheval he's been taking French house music into bizarre new directions, from the Wild west all the way to Tokyo. I'm really hyped up to see him perform on Saturday. Still working on my costume though...

In če ste na prihajajočo pustno soboto namenjeni ven, vam toplo priporočam žur v K4. Ekipa Smetnjaka bo gostila izjemnega mladega producenta Canblasterja, ki že nekaj časa buri moja ušesa in se ga res veselim videti v živo. Skupaj z druščino iz pariškega Club Cheval je uspel popeljati francosko house glasbo v neraziskane teritorije, vse od divjega zahoda do Tokia. Že sestavljam kostum za maškare...

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