Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New season of Safari!

Prišla je jesen in hladne dni si bomo malo popestrili z novo sezono Safari eventov. Lanska sezona je minila prehitro in v 9ih mesecih nismo uspeli povabiti vseh imen, ki nas trenutno navdušujejo na domači elektronski sceni. Letos se spet obeta veliko novitet, pa tudi nove glasbe artistov, ki jih že dolgo nismo videli nastopati. Veselim se spet prijetnega vzdušja v Gromki in vseh prijateljev, ki ste lansko sezono naredili tako zabavno!
Začeli bomo z live actoma dveh producentov, ki še nista prišla na vrsto, čeprav sta bila ves čas visoko na seznamu naših želja. V četrtek bosta torej na odru kraljevala dva neverjetno produktivna in kreativna domača ustvarjalca elektronske glasbe, Poll A Rock in Bownr. Močno priporočam!

Autumn has arrived and we're kicking off a new season of Safari events to keep ourselves amused durning the cold upcoming days. Last year passed too quickly and we didn't manage to invite all the artists we're excited about in those 9 months. There are a lot of new acts coming up, as well as new music from artists we haven't seen in a while. I'm really looking forward to the pleasant atmosphere in Gromka and to seeing everybody who made last year so much fun. 
We'll be starting the season with live acts from two awesome producers who have been high on our wishlist all year, but we still haven't managed to get to Safari. This Thursday the stage in Gromka will belong to Poll A Rock and Bownr, both unbelievably tallented and hyperproductive electronic musicians. I strongly suggest you check them out!

Both artists have done amazing remix work, I've already worked together with Poll A Rock on this Moveknowledgement track, and would love to see Bownr lend some of the magic he did with New wave Syria's music.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/536679086345591/

LiVe aCts:
BOWNR (zAvodKru, Ricochet UK)
Popotnik skozi žanr in čas, nepogrešljiva figura na domači elektronski sceni, ki nas že leta navdušuje z nepredvidljivimi izdajami na domačih in tujih založbah. Njegov razpon seže od IDM-a do tehna in breaksov, nikoli pa ne pozabi na plesišče.

Producent, ki zavrača razlikovanje med punkom in tehnom, nas je skozi svojo dolgo glasbeno pot peljal že marsikam in ves čas ostal aktualen, nikoli pa ni bil nič drugega kot Poll A Rock. Njegova surova in umazana produkcija ostaja edinstvena na zemljevidu sodobne elektronike.

PlankTon (www.facebook.com/DjPlankTon)
N'toko (www.soundcloud.com/ntoko)
Zana (www.soundcloud.com/zanacaroline)

Koala™(Jet Jam) (www.jetjam.net)

Gromka. 25.10.2012. ob 22:30
Vstopnina: 3evre

LiVe aCts:
BOWNR (zAvodKru, Ricochet UK)
Bownr's trips through time and sound have become an essential part of Slovenia's homegrown electronic scene, proving that he is an amazing and inovative producer with every new release. His sound shifts between IDM, techno and breaks, but never forgets the dancefloor.

Poll A Rock's "punk and techno are the same thing" approach to music has kept him sounding fresh for over a decade, creating a sound that is uniquely his own. When you hear beats with so much dirt in them, it can only be Poll A Rock.

PlankTon (www.facebook.com/DjPlankTon)
N'toko (www.soundcloud.com/ntoko)
Zana (www.soundcloud.com/zanacaroline)

Koala™(Jet Jam) (www.jetjam.net)

Gromka. 25.10.2012. ob 22:30
Vstopnina: 3evre

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