I've been going on and on about this BeatMyth release party next week but haven't actually taken the time to explain who and what BeatMyth even is. It's basically the project of two producers, DJ PlankTon and Mike Preeters, which started out as a breakbeat thing but has in my opinion integrated many different musical influences in recent years, from electro-house, dubsteb, techno and hiphop. I've been working with DJ PlankTon for years, he was actually a part time member of Moveknowledgement when we started playing gigs around the year 2000, and we used to do drum n' bass parties together after the gigs. We played quite a lot as a drum n' bass DJ/MC duo in those years and even did some big festivals like Exit in Serbia. After a while we both got tired of the drum n' bass scene and concentrated more on our own music. I went on to do my solo hip hop/experimental stuff and he got into breakbeat, forming BeatMyth with his roommate Mike Preeters. We would get together occasionally in the studio and I recorded some raps for them, which resulted in the album "Your Own Two Heads" (self released a year ago and available for free download here). That was the time when PlankTon decided to start DJing again and we played a live set together for the first time in many years. One thing led to another and together with Zana we started organizing our regular monthly DJ event called Safari with live acts and bands playing every time.
That's the short history of it all, but the reason I'm writing about all this is that BeatMyth will be releasing their second album "Questionable Image" on Kapa Records next week, and Safari will be the release party! I recorded vocals for several tracks and I think there's some really nice stuff on the record, so please check it out. I'm really looking forward to next Thursday, besides doing our regular DJ sets with special guest Felis Catus from the like minded DJ crew Don't Make New People, me and PlankTon will perform most of the new BeatMyth material live. Hope to see you in Gromka!
Zadnje dni veliko govorim o projektu BeatMyth, ne da bi si vzel čas razložiti za kaj sploh gre. BeatMyth je projekt dveh producentov, Mike Preetersa in DJ PlankTona, v osnovi breakbeatovska muzika pa je skozi leta vase posrkala najrazličnejše vplive, od electrohouse-a do dubstepa, techna in hiphopa. Sam sem s PlankTonom sodeloval že dolgo časa, saj je bil na začetku celo občasni član Moveknowledgementov in po koncertih sva delala drum n' bass partije, ter veliko nastopala kot DJ/Mc duo (imela sva celo nekaj večjih festivalskih nastopov kot recimo na srbskem Exitu). Čez nekaj časa sva se oba naveličala drum n' bass scene ter se posvetila vsak svojim projektom, jaz sem snemal solo albume, on pa je s takratnim cimrom Mike Preetersom začel BeatMyth. Kljub prenehanju nastopanja pa smo še vedno sodelovali in občasno smo se dobivali v studiu, kjer sem posnel nekaj vokalov na njune inštrumentale. Tako je nastal album "Your Own Two Heads" (ta je izšel lani v samozaložbi in je na voljo brezplačno tukaj), s PlankTonom pa sva se po dolgem času spet odločila skupaj nastopiti in predstaviti naše pesmi. Čez nekaj časa smo skupaj z Zano začeli sanjariti o našem lastnem mesečnem dj eventu z live acti in tako je nastal Safari.
To je kratka zgodovina tega, kako je prišlo do tega sodelovanja, novica pa je ta, da naslednji četrtek pri Kapa Records izide novi album BeatMythov z naslovom "Questionable Image". Tudi na tem albumu sem gostoval na številnih komadih in vesel sem, da bodo končno ugledali luč sveta. Četrtkov Safari bomo ob tej priložnosti spremenili v release party, s PlankTonom bova v živo predstavila nov material, kot dj pa se nam bo pridružil Felis Catus iz odlične ekipe Don't Make New People. Upam, da se vidimo v Gromki!
BeatMyth (http://
Felis Catus (Don't make new people) (www.mixcloud.com/
PlankTon (www.facebook.com/
N'toko (www.soundcloud.com/ntoko)
Zana (www.soundcloud.com/
Koala™(Trajna) (www.eurocrem.co.cc)
Gromka. 22.3.2012. ob 22:30
Vstopnina: 3evre
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