Monday, March 12, 2012

N'toko ne obstaja

This isn't news anymore because I've fallen behind on my writing again, but I certainly need to say a few words on my new music video which came out last week. I met Tomaž Šantl about a year ago after my album Parada Ljubezni came out and he told me his ideas about shooting a video. He gathered a crew of really cool people and went to work, I actually just came by the studio to shoot one short scene and that was it, so I had no idea what was happening with the video. A few months later he surprised me in the middle of the European tour with a link to the finished thing. I watched it like 10 times and didn't know quite what to make of was beyond liking or hating it, I kind of had to create a new category in my head, because I'd never seen anything like it before. The images got stuck in my brain and continued into my sleep in the form of dreams. The next morning I woke up completely aware that this is exactly the video I wanted, but couldn't quite imagine before actually seeing it. It'S the anti-video! I really need to say thanks to Tomaž and everybody involved again. We also decided to make the song "N'toko ne obstaja" my new single, which resulted in it becoming song of the week on national radio, so it feels great that the record is still getting attention so long after its initial release. But I'm also becoming more and more aware of the fact that it's been a while and I need to get some new music out into the world soon. I'm working on all kinds of different projects at the moment, so please be patient with me!

Tole sicer ne spada več v kategorijo "novice", saj sem spet zapadel v zaostanek s pisanjem, ampak vseeno je vredno reči besedo ali dve o novem videospotu za pesem "N'toko ne obstaja". Lani sem kmalu po izidu albuma "Parada Ljubezni" spoznal režiserja Tomaža Šantla, ki mi je predlagal nekaj idej za video. Kmalu je nabral pestro ekipo ljudi in se lotil dela, jaz pa sem vmes odpotoval na Japonsko in po vrnitvi posnel le en kratek kader (ki ga vidite na začetku spota).  Ko je minilo še nekaj časa in sem na stvar že popolnoma pozabil me je sredi evropske turneje presenetil mail z linkom na dokončani izdelek. Ogledal sem si ga 10-krat zapored in še vedno nisem vedel, kaj naj si mislim, saj Tomažev video ni bil niti približno podoben nobenemu glasbenemu spotu, ki bi ga videl doslej. V glavi sem si moral ustvariti novo kategorijo zanj. Podobe iz spota so me spremljale še ves dan, ponoči pa v obliki sanj. Zjutraj sem se zbudil z jasnim zavedanjem, da je to točno tak spot, kot bi si ga želel, če bi si ga znal zamisliti. Anti-video! Še enkrat se moram zahvaliti Tomažu in celotni ekipi za to, kar so ustvarili. Odločili smo se tudi, da lansiramo "N'toko ne obstaja" kot singel, ta pa je že postal popevka tedna na Valu202. Lepo je videti, da toliko časa po izidu albuma "Parada Ljubezni" še vedno obstaja zanimanje zanj, hkrati pa se zavedam, da bo res že skrajni čas, da spravim kako novo muziko v svet. Trenutno se ukvarjam s kar nekaj projekti, ampak sem pri delu vse počasnejši in vse bolj perfekcionističen....please be patient with me!

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