It's been an intense week! An intense month actually...A lot has happened since Fashion Crisis in the beginning of November. I played a series of small gigs, did a bunch of writing, joined the Ljubljana protests, helped the guys from Praha Depart finish up their tour, and took a trip to Czech Republic. We played in Kranj and Črnomelj with the BeatMyth project, which was really fun because we got to share the stage with our favorite bands: Ewok, Ludovik Material and of course Praha Depart. If only all the events I play had such great line-ups! We also took advantage of the gigs to do some tourism and drove around the Dolenjska countryside, visited our families, and even casted our votes on the way. The next day the guys from HRUP magazine organized a wonderful studio session for Praha Depart, who played a goodbye gig for their Slovenian friends and recorded a bunch of new songs before heading home to Japan. After driving them to Venice airport I headed off to Czech Republic, where I played two shows. Both Brno and Prague were beautiful and I was really happy to get a warm reception from the audience in both cities (nobody really knows me there, so how did they find out about the gigs?).
Po intenzivnem tednu (pravzaprav intenzivnem mesecu) sem končno spet en vikend doma! Precej stvari se je zgodilo od Fashion Crisisa na začetku Novembra. Odigral sem kup manjših koncertov, napisal nekaj družbeno-analitičnih esejev, sodeloval na ljubljanskih protestih, pomagal skupini Praha Depart končati evropsko turnejo, ter obiskal Češko.Tako v Kranju kot v Črnomlju sem nastopil v okviru projekta BeatMyth, oba eventa pa sta bila zabavna tudi zato, ker smo si oder delili z našimi najljubšimi bendi: Ludovik Material, Ewok in seveda Praha Depart. Kaj bi dal, da bi vedno lahko nastopal med tako dobrim naborom izvajalcev! Koncerte smo izkoristili tudi za turizem, da japonskim kolegom pokažemo lepote Dolenjske, obiščemo družine, in se celo vsak v svojem kraju ustavimo na volitvah. Naslednji dan so fantje iz HRUP maga čisto blizu mojega doma v Šiški organizirali čudovit studijski session za Praha Departe, ki so se na ta način pred odhodom na Japonsko dostojno poslovili od slovenskih prijateljev in zraven posneli še kup novega materiala. Po vožnji z njimi v Benetke sem se sam odpravil na Češko, kjer sem v Brnem in Pragi odigral dva solo koncerta. Oba mesta sta postregla s podobo prave zimske pravljice, doživel pa sem tudi izredno topel sprejem iz strani publike (kar me je presenetilo, saj me tam nihče ne pozna!).
I guess the main reason why I'm writing this blog today is because I got a bunch of beautiful photos from Aleš Rosa, who joined us on some of the shows. He wasn't with me in Czech Republic or Kranj, so parts of the story are missing, but here's most of it. Check it out! Thanks Aleš!
Glavni razlog, zakaj pišem tale blog, pa so najverjetneje nove fotografije Aleša Rose, ki sem jih ravnokar prejel po mailu. Ni mu uspelo v Kranj in na Češko, tako da del zgodbe manjka, je pa na poti ujel nekaj (vsaj meni) dragocenih utrinkov. Check it out! Hvala Aleš!
Fooling around in Bikofe
Napravi Mi Dete finish their gig at Fashion Crisis
Jizah interviews Praha Depart at Radio Student. The lack of common language made it a ridiculously funny conversation
Praha Depart explore Radio Student's music library
Setting up for our Safari dj gig in Kino Udarnik, Maribor
Praha depart, Kino Udarnik, Maribor
Exhausted after the show
Ready to go home
Home cooking courtesy of Zana's mom
We visited Zana's parents in Šentjernej
BeatMyth, MKK Črnomelj
BeatMyth, MKK Črnomelj
Ludovik Material, MKK Črnomelj
Praha Depart, studio session before going home
Praha Depart, as always it's been a pleasure and an honor to have you here! I'm looking forward to future adventures:)
Thanks so much to all the great Slovenian bands and friends who joined us along the way!
Kot vedno, mi je bilo v veliko čast gostiti Praha Depart. Se že veselim novih avantur!
Hvala vsem slovenskim bendom in prijateljem, ki ste se nam tako ali drugače pridružili na poti!